Ankeet Adani

This year has seen a real turn around in the way management entrance exams got conducted, and has resulted in leaving a lot of students in the lurch. A lot of students have already given up, but even though it appears as if things are not working out, you must press on! Bulldog tenacity is what will bring the kind of success you are looking for. CET is the exam for you but for it to really happen you attitude should be, "I am going to do this no matter what!"
Most of you’ll who have been preparing throughout the year must be pretty much aware of the paper pattern and you may have identified that over the last few years the type of questions asked as well as their weightage in the paper in terms of marks has remained pretty much the same. Now the focus should be to build on the strengths and work around the weaknesses. Also with every paper an attempt needs to be made to decide upon the strategy to be adopted to optimize the score. Focus should be on maximizing the attempts, minimizing the errors and also experimenting methods to reduce the time taken to solve a particular problem. The 20-day run-up to the CET is of paramount importance when it comes to maximizing your score. It is during this time period that one fine tunes one’s test taking strategy to the best possible extent.
Here are some pointers towards how individual sections in the CET could be tackled.
1) Quantitative Ability: The key to crack questions based on QA is to think without ink. The more you write, the more time you spend. Shed away the conventional ways or approaches of solving problems which involve a lot of writing and instead try to solve them mentally. This would help you save a considerable amount of time.
2) Visual Reasoning: Avoid attempting questions related to this section at one go. It is a general tendency to accumulate all the questions pertaining to visual reasoning and solve them towards the end of the test as they are perceived to be difficult to crack. Solve the easier ones as and when they appear in the order of the question paper. Leave the difficult ones for the end.
3) Reading Comprehension: In CET, it doesn’t serve any great purpose in reading the entire passage and then answering the questions. Instead, quickly scan the passage and try to figure out the essence of each paragraph and then jump on to questions. Most of the questions would be factual in nature and that would make your task a lot easier. Negate the wrong options and narrow down to the correct option instead of going the other way. Most of the times you will not even have to read the passage.
4) Data Sufficiency: Avoid looking at both the statements together at the beginning. This normally will fox you to mark. Both the statements are required to answer the questions. Look at each statement separately and only when you are convinced that you can/cannot answer the question, move on to the other. This will help you increase your accuracy.
5) Logical Reasoning: A chunk of the CET booklet will be occupied by questions pertaining to this section. So make the best use of the next fifteen days to sharpen your skills with regard to various types of questions asked in this section.
Pull up your socks and show the world what you have in store for them. All the best!!
Most of you’ll who have been preparing throughout the year must be pretty much aware of the paper pattern and you may have identified that over the last few years the type of questions asked as well as their weightage in the paper in terms of marks has remained pretty much the same. Now the focus should be to build on the strengths and work around the weaknesses. Also with every paper an attempt needs to be made to decide upon the strategy to be adopted to optimize the score. Focus should be on maximizing the attempts, minimizing the errors and also experimenting methods to reduce the time taken to solve a particular problem. The 20-day run-up to the CET is of paramount importance when it comes to maximizing your score. It is during this time period that one fine tunes one’s test taking strategy to the best possible extent.
Here are some pointers towards how individual sections in the CET could be tackled.
1) Quantitative Ability: The key to crack questions based on QA is to think without ink. The more you write, the more time you spend. Shed away the conventional ways or approaches of solving problems which involve a lot of writing and instead try to solve them mentally. This would help you save a considerable amount of time.
2) Visual Reasoning: Avoid attempting questions related to this section at one go. It is a general tendency to accumulate all the questions pertaining to visual reasoning and solve them towards the end of the test as they are perceived to be difficult to crack. Solve the easier ones as and when they appear in the order of the question paper. Leave the difficult ones for the end.
3) Reading Comprehension: In CET, it doesn’t serve any great purpose in reading the entire passage and then answering the questions. Instead, quickly scan the passage and try to figure out the essence of each paragraph and then jump on to questions. Most of the questions would be factual in nature and that would make your task a lot easier. Negate the wrong options and narrow down to the correct option instead of going the other way. Most of the times you will not even have to read the passage.
4) Data Sufficiency: Avoid looking at both the statements together at the beginning. This normally will fox you to mark. Both the statements are required to answer the questions. Look at each statement separately and only when you are convinced that you can/cannot answer the question, move on to the other. This will help you increase your accuracy.
5) Logical Reasoning: A chunk of the CET booklet will be occupied by questions pertaining to this section. So make the best use of the next fifteen days to sharpen your skills with regard to various types of questions asked in this section.
Pull up your socks and show the world what you have in store for them. All the best!!